Their gold oak leaf cluster lands were coveted by the Atchison and Pike's Peak Railway Company and Agent O.The rebels refused and shot one of the Osages dead.There were 3 colonels, one lieutenant colonel, one major and 4 gold oak leaf cluster captains.They had interfered with the regular tribal elections.R gold oak leaf cluster.They had returned from the first expedition to find their women and children and aged men, sick, ill fed, and unhappy.Thinking to make better progress gold oak leaf cluster with the treaties and better terms if he himself controlled the government end of the negotiations, Commissioner Dole undertook a trip west in the late summer.Olathe had been sacked, Shawnee had been burned, and the members of the Black Bob settlement had been robbed and driven from their homes, and it had not been considered safe for any considerable number to congregate together from the fact that the Shawnees usually all come on horseback, and the bushwhackers having ample means to know what was going on, would take the opportunity to make a dash among them, and secure their horses.See Dorn to Greenwood, March 26, 1860, gold oak leaf cluster Ibid.They killed 4 of their horses (which the Indians greatly regretted) and captured 13, about 50 revolvers, most of the rebels having 4 revolvers, a carbine and saber.At this time, 1863, Superintendent Branch, against whom charges of gambling, drunkenness, licentiousness, and misuse of annuity funds had been preferred by Agent Ross , was endeavoring to persuade Father De Smet gold oak leaf cluster to establish a Roman Catholic Mission on their Reserve.i, chapter xxx Official Records, vol.