Morris first trod the deck of the Philadelphia, Decatur followed close after, and then the stream of men over the rail and through the open ports was constant.The shot of the American gunners were seen anime nose bleeds to hull the enemy repeatedly, and at last the Tripolitans began to desert their ship.When the flames had gained some headway, the incendiaries returned to their boats, and made for the squadron again, feeling confident that the Tripolitans could do nothing to arrest the conflagration.At last the gunboats, discovering her helpless condition, crowded so thick about her that anime nose bleeds there was no course open but to strike.LIEUT.Then the blue jackets bent to their sweeps, and soon anime nose bleeds the Intrepid was under good headway.In fifteen minutes he returned, and, throwing the cabin doors open, stepped in with a file of marines at his heels.The Americans were then in a anime nose bleeds most dangerous predicament.The murderer then rallied his men, drove the Americans away, and carried his craft out of the battle.About ten o'clock, the anime nose bleeds adventurers reached the harbor's mouth.