What's that to me, sir? was the response.Between Providence and Newport, illicit trade flourished and the waters of Narragansett metro north stamford grand central Bay were dotted with the sail of small craft carrying cargoes on which no duties had ever been paid.Nevertheless, the achievements of some of the seamen of the Revolution are not insignificant, even when compared with exploits of the era of Farragut and it must be remembered that the efforts of the devoted men were directed against a nation that had in commission at the opening of the war three hundred and fifty three vessels, and even then bore proudly the title conferred upon her by the consent of all nations, The Mistress of the Seas.Who will help destroy her? All who expressed a desire to join in the enterprise were directed to repair to the Sabin House and thither, later metro north stamford grand central in the evening, flocked many of the townspeople carrying guns, powder flasks, and bullet pouches.Though thus balked of their revenge, the townspeople showed their hatred for the king's navy by seizing a battery, and firing several shots at the two armed vessels, but without effect.The participants in them were often longshoremen, fishermen, or metro north stamford grand central privateersmen, and but seldom sailors enrolled in the regular navy of the united colonies.The revenue laws, enacted by the English Parliament as a means of extorting money from the Colonies, were very obnoxious to the people of America.Although this affair occurred early metro north stamford grand central in 1764, the sturdy colonists even then had little liking for the officers of the king.Muster your men aft, captain, said the leader, scorning any response to the captain's salutation.From the outmost end of the longest wharf the relatives and friends of the sailors eagerly watch the approaching vessel, striving to find in her appearance metro north stamford grand central some token of the safety of the loved ones on board.Those fellows think I've smuggled goods aboard, said he.The men, therefore, who were to command the ships of the colonies, were trained in the rough school of the merchant service, and had smelt gunpowder only when resisting piratical attacks, or in metro north stamford grand central serving themselves as privateers.Capt.Thomas metro north stamford grand central Lindsey.It is almost incredible that the identity of the parties to this expedition was kept a secret until long after the Revolution.