Tell me now, if thou knowest, why thou hast come! Judith.We know his mind he hath written it plain In frankies and bennies swansea the torn flesh of our ambassadors.Judith.IV At the frankies and bennies swansea Gate of Bethulia.And therefore have we asked the governors For death and it is granted us.Whiteness of walls, towers and piers, That all day dazzled eyes to tears, Turned from being white golden flame, And like the deep frankies and bennies swansea sea blue became.His mind to us is death we can but choose Between sharp swords and the slow slaying of thirst.What! Staring? Hence, you dogs! III IN THE TENT OF HOLOFERNES frankies and bennies swansea Holofernes (alone with Judith).Judith.A frankies and bennies swansea Young Man.