I have already alluded to this subject in the preceding chapter, and probably the majority of actual teachers will admit the truth of the view there presented.The planner of this scheme must have taken great pleasure in witnessing mall halloween express its successful operation though the officer who should go steadily on, endeavoring to remove the reluctant throng by dint of mere driving, might well have found his task unpleasant.Administering reproof and punishment for offenses as they occur.Another is like the little workman in his brighter moments, arranging his invention, and mall halloween express watching with delight the successful and easy accomplishment of his wishes by means of it.He attempts to remove evils by waging against them a useless and most vexatious warfare of threatening and punishment and he is trying continually to drive, when he might know that neither the intellect nor the heart are capable of being driven.Such a teacher knows that boys and girls are the materials he has to work upon, and he takes care to make mall halloween express himself acquainted with these materials, just as they are.5.I will simply state one case, to illustrate what I mean by the difference between blind force mall halloween express and active ingenuity and enterprise in the management of school.Notwithstanding the utmost efforts of the officers, fifteen minutes were sometimes consumed in effecting the object, when the order was given that the spectators should retire.Of course, each boy, before the teacher came to his desk, mall halloween express was necessarily idle, and, almost necessarily, in mischief.The other class, however, do not seem to know at all what sort of beings they have to deal with, or, if they know, do not consider.And here, on account of the comparative smallness of the number under the parent's care, the evil is so much diminished that it mall halloween express is easily borne.Distributing and changing pens.In regard to this subject mall halloween express there are very different methods now in practice in different schools.