But fearful were those upon which Colter was about to enter.On leaving a small free childrens birthday cards printable thicket in which he had sought refuge, he discovered a tall, portly savage near by, and two others in the direction between him and the fort.He was however struggling against a foe whose cunning and strategems were such, as not to allow him an hour of quiet.The Indian raised his free childrens birthday cards printable rifle, and Higgins, watching his eye, turned suddenly as his finger pressed the trigger, and received the ball in his thigh.Their course was nearly west.Their doubts free childrens birthday cards printable were soon painfully removed.Traveling, says Madame de Stael, who was accustomed to the most luxurious of European conveyances, is the most painful of pleasures.At last one of them threw his free childrens birthday cards printable tomahawk.At last the largest Indian, supposing his gun to be empty, from his fire having been thus reserved, advanced boldly to the charge.The wounds they made were not therefore deep, free childrens birthday cards printable though numerous.One prominent feature of the wilderness is its solitude.The courier must free childrens birthday cards printable traverse on foot a distance of four or five hundred miles through a pathless wilderness, filled with hunting bands of hostile savages.The other Indian, who had heretofore fought with caution, came now manfully into the battle.