The barbarian in revenge seized her as his concubine.Basil, in the city of Cherson, and then, at the same hour, clematis the president the marriage rites with the princess were solemnized.The chronicles of those times state that he had three hundred concubines in one of his palaces, three hundred in another at Kief, and two hundred at one of his country seats.He immediately imposed a heavy tax upon the Russians, to raise money to pay his clematis the president troops.Wars, Famine And Pestilence.Yaroslaf, thus clematis the president signally victorious, continued his march, without further opposition, to Kief, and entered the capital in triumph.In the midst of these great measures of reform, sudden sickness seized Vlademer in his palace, and he died, in the year 1015, so unexpectedly that he appointed no successor.Seventy were clematis the president put to death.The king was deeply impressed with the words of our Saviour, Blessed are the merciful, for they shall obtain mercy, and with the declaration of Solomon, He who giveth to the poor lendeth to the Lord.Influenced by a superstition common in those days, he caused the bones of Oleg and Yaropolk, clematis the president the two murdered brothers of Vlademer, who had perished in the errors of paganism, to be disinterred, baptized, and then consigned to Christian burial in the church of Kief.