The little boxes that he made, after this, of a bright black outside, and lined neatly with paper within, were thought by the boys to be elegant.So Georgie was a great friend of both Rollo and bmx racing dirt Jonas, and they often used to come and see him, and play with him and that was the reason that Rollo knew his voice so well, when he called to him from the landing, when Rollo was standing on the bridge, as described in the beginning of this story.I have told you now, said she, of one kind of playthings those that give pleasure from their novelty only.It was from the bank of the stream, a little way from bmx racing dirt the road, at the place where the path from Georgie's house came down to the water.One evening, just before sunset, Rollo was coming along over the stone bridge, towards home.Now, it is generally best to buy such playthings as you can use a great many times, and in a great many ways such as a top, a ball, a knife, bmx racing dirt a wheelbarrow.She can dress and undress it, put it to bed, make it sit up for company, and do a great many other things with it.It was neatly done up in paper, bmx racing dirt with two pencils which the shopman gave her, done up inside.He pointed to a large branch which came out on one side, and which hung down loaded with fruit.Wise walked along quietly, with his cash safe in bmx racing dirt his pocket.They called at the house where James lived, and found him waiting for them on the front steps, with his half dollar in his hand.So he put the reins into James's bmx racing dirt hands, and jumped out.The Project Gutenberg EBook of Georgie, by Jacob Abbott This eBook is for the use of anyone anywhere at no cost and with almost no restrictions whatsoever.