Such a system naturally tended to foster a false estimate of their duties on the part of those who were promoted.Although he rose from a comparatively humble origin, 'his parents,' he tells us, 'were plain, honest, and good people' (his father was, in chinese health care belief fact, a farmer) he seems to have been gifted by nature with great courtliness of manner, and with aristocratic tastes.Archbishop Secker, in his charge to the diocese of Canterbury in 1758, complains of 'the non resident clergyman, who reckons it enough that, for aught he knows to the contrary, his parishioners go on like their neighbours,' and attributes to this, among other causes, 'the rise of a new sect, pretending to the strictest piety.They will see in it a worldly man's description of chinese health care belief the spiritual lethargy which had overtaken English Christendom.And, generally, this fear on both sides engendered a certain timidity and obstructiveness and want of elasticity which prevented the Church from incorporating into her system anything which seemed to diverge one hair's breadth from the groove in which she ran.' chinese health care belief Then with the same delightful navet he tells us, 'On being raised to this distinguished office I immediately applied myself with great eagerness to the study of divinity.When Collins complained of the expense of maintaining so large a body of clergy, Bentley replied that 'the Parliamentary accounts showed that six thousand of the clergy had, at a middle rate, not 50l.But, happily for him, his ideas of what chinese health care belief would qualify him to be a theologian were on the most limited scale.In his charge to the diocese of Oxford, in 1741, Bishop Secker recommends the duty of catechising but he feels that his recommendation cannot in many cases be carried out.And the clergy themselves by so doing would be both forfeiting a right and neglecting a chinese health care belief duty.