The political relations between England and Holland were at this time of a very intimate character, the King of England being William, Prince of Orange.The measures which he art portfolio case adopted were admirably adapted to this purpose.In the case of Peter's proposed improvements and reforms the Church and the clergy were Conservatives of the most determined character.Accordingly, while the conspirators remained quiet, the Guards began to complain of various grievances under which they suffered, particularly that they were not paid their wages regularly, and they declared their determination art portfolio case to march to Moscow and obtain redress.There were also a great number of gibbets set up on all the roads leading to Moscow, and upon these gibbets men were hung, and the bodies allowed to remain there, like the beheaded Guards upon the ground, until the spring.A committee of three persons was appointed to draw up the address to Sophia, and the precise details of the movements art portfolio case which were to take place on the arrival of the Guards at the gates of Moscow were all arranged.But, however disappointed these gentlemen may have been in the end, they left England in the emperor's beautiful yacht, much elated with the honor they had received in being selected by such a potentate for the execution of important trusts in a distant land, and with high anticipations of the fame and fortune which they expected to acquire before the time should arrive for them to return to their own country.He doubtless thought that it was only by such severities as these that the end could be art portfolio case effectually attained.He often spoke on this subject to those with whom he was on terms of familiar intercourse.Then, a large portion of their pay was kept back, on the plea that it was necessary art portfolio case for the emperor to have security in his own hands for their fidelity in the performance of their work, and for their remaining at their posts until their work was done.Besides, if he did return, they said it would only be to bring with him a fresh importation of foreign favorites and foreign manners, and to proceed more vigorously than ever in his work of superseding and subverting all the good old customs of the land, and displacing the ancient native families from all places of consideration and honor, in order to make room for the swarms of miserable foreign adventurers that he would bring home with him in his train.He contrives so to arrange and regulate this force as to art portfolio case separate it completely from the rest of the community, so as to extinguish as far as possible all the sympathies which might otherwise exist between the soldiers and the citizens.In this house the Czar was visited by a great number of the nobility, and he visited them in return.