Government, the said contract is to be regarded as terminated.They had earlier thought of removing the Kansas tribes, one by one, to Indian Territory but the tribes already there had a lien art history ireland upon the land, titles, and other rights, that could not be ignored.Wattles started upon a tour of observation and inquiry among the Kansas tribes and discovered that, with few exceptions, they were all willing and even anxious to exchange their present homes for homes in Indian Territory.The intruders upon Indian lands, the speculators and the politicians, would art history ireland get the spoils of victory.The Little Osages had sent a runner to aprise the Big Hills of the presence of the rebels and art history ireland they were coming down the creek 400 strong, and met the rebels, drove them to the creek and surrounded them., Letter Book, no.The treaty was arrested after it had reached art history ireland the presidential proclamation stage and was in serious danger of complete invalidation.Coffin and Elder, suspicious of each other, jealously watched every avenue of approach to Osage confidence.See Lane to Dole, art history ireland April 22, 1862 Smith to Dole, May 13 1862 Dole to Lane, May 5, 1862, Daily Conservative, May 21, 1862.Chapman, who, notwithstanding he represented white capitalists, had yet found favor with art history ireland the Osages.As if urged thereto by some influence malign or fate sinister, the loyal portion of two of the southern tribes, the Creeks and the Seminoles, took in April, 1862, a certain action that, all unbeknown to them, expedited the northern schemes for Indian undoing.Against the idea of punishing the southern art history ireland Indians for what after all was far from being entirely their fault, the friends of justice marshaled their forces.