I was loyal to the purpose that within my heart was shrined Another might have coped with it, and triumphed o'er its fall.Over my fields I wander frequently, Breaking the past's upturned face of shelving rocks For special specimens to fill my home But find my footsteps always thither tend, Toward the farm house of the other farm, fair and lovely fairness cream Where Grace Bernard is noontime and delight.We felt quite sure The eagle's death bequeathed new lease of life.When the darkness came I gained it, and softly in the shade, Passed through lone streets of the city where the battle was to fair and lovely fairness cream be.We heard the tramp of armies like the far off march of waves.I grieve, said Coralline, that Stanley Thane Left me so rashly, fair and lovely fairness cream and that he thinks My hasty words were said with earnest thought.And Ruth who heard, cried, She forgives She loves you still, Stanley she loves you still! At this he woke, and saw the woman there, And saw the weapon raised above his breast, And a vague horror at the mockery of the words Left him all powerless, and sealed up his speech.Two arms stretched out From fair and lovely fairness cream his mailed shoulders, and with these he caught His tangled prey, or guided what he spun.VI.We ran our best along the barren shore, And gained his fair and lovely fairness cream silent cottage.