CHAPTER III.The Czar was very much pleased with the modesty of the young gentleman's behavior and, after finishing the conversation with the embassador, without, however, having asked him to release Le Fort from his service, he returned to the part of the room where Le Fort was, and presently asked him to bring him a glass of express financing path wine.From this beginning the change went on until the style of dress and the system of tactics for the whole imperial army was reformed by the introduction of the compact and scientific system of western Europe, in the place of the old fashioned and cumbrous usages which had previously prevailed.This Menzikoff, for example, notwithstanding the enterprising spirit which he displayed in his boyhood, in setting off alone to Moscow to seek his fortune, and his talent for telling stories and singing songs, and the interest which he felt, and the success that he met with, in learning Le Fort's military manoeuvres, express financing path and the great distinction which he subsequently acquired as a military commander, may have been, after all, in relation to any just and proper standards of moral duty, a very bad man.He was melancholy and dejected in spirit, in consequence of his infirmities and sufferings, and he spent most of his time in acts of devotion, according to the rites and usages of the established church of the country, as the best means within his knowledge of preparing himself for another and happier world.They were overwhelmed with grief in coming to this conviction, and they declared, with tears in their eyes, that they would not return to Moscow, but would remain at express financing path the monastery and share the fortunes of their nephew.General Menesius resided in the palace with his charge, and he gradually began to form a strong attachment to him.Two days after this every thing connected with the express financing path conspiracy having been settled it was determined that Peter should return to Moscow.The torture which was applied to Thekelavitaw was scourging with a knout.Thus she thought that his progress in study would be effectually impeded, and that, perhaps, he would undermine his health and destroy his constitution express financing path by eating and drinking, or by other hurtful indulgences.Being possessed himself of great decision of character, and delighting, as he did, in promptness and energy of action, he lost all patience sometimes, when annoyed by the delays, or the hesitation, or the inefficiency of others, who were not so richly endowed by nature as himself.Le Fort put the dress on, and in the morning, at the time when, according to his usual custom, he was to wait upon the emperor in his chamber, he went in express financing path wearing the new uniform.