' On the other hand, the gentle Hervey was quite incapable of writing the violent abuse, the bitter personal scurrilities, which disgraced Toplady's pen.He had little inclination for the craig wolff md minor elegancies of life.Wilberforce has an entry in his journal for 1795 'Dined with old Newton, where met Henry Thornton and Macaulay.Like Romaine, he belonged craig wolff md to Lady Huntingdon's Connexion until the secession of 1781.It was written from a Calvinistic point of view but its Calvinism differed widely from that, for instance, of Romaine.It may be regarded generally as a sort of manifesto of the Evangelical party and specially as a counterblast against the defective theology of what Whitefield called 'England's greatest craig wolff md favourite, The Whole Duty of Man.Thomas Scott, Joseph Milner, William Cowper, William Wilberforce, and Hannah More were all more or less influenced by him., craig wolff md of Faith' possesses the strength as well as the defects of early Puritanism.One can scarcely fancy Romaine itinerating at all but if he had done so, the bleak moors of Yorkshire or the cottage homes of Bedfordshire would not have been suitable spheres for his labours.Both books, craig wolff md it is presumed, were intended to be practical treatises but, whereas the one treats but very little of directly practical duties, the full half and the best and most interesting half of the other is exclusively concerned with them.But Newton had been one of them scarcely a sin could they mention but he had either committed it himself, or been brought into close contact with those who had committed it.They would hardly have ventured to make so clean a breast before men who, like the majority of the Evangelical leaders, had always lived craig wolff md at least outwardly respectable lives and if they had ventured to do so, these good men could hardly have appreciated their difficulties.There was also a vein of true poetry in him, which his predecessor did not possess.