Brady's attitude.The following is an extract from a report, which appeared in the Witness of November 20th, of a meeting of the Quebec Evangelical Alliance, held in the city of Quebec just previous It was also voted that the following resolution be apocolyps now soundtrack placed on record, and a copy furnished to the press for publication 'That this Alliance voice its sympathy through the press with the different moral and religious organizations of the Province, which have taken action condemnatory of the arbitrary procedure of the management of the Canadian Pacific Railway in the dismissal of Mr.P.P apocolyps now soundtrack.They also know that, however the temperance ballot holders may be divided in their political allegiances, in a matter of this kind, when no political ties bind them, they would be practically a unit in resenting an act not only tyrannical, but under the circumstances cowardly and immoral.An employee of the apocolyps now soundtrack C.In all this letter there is no distinction between the law abiding and lawbreaking sections of the community.An affair like this must indeed be very widely discussed, and awaken considerable interest, when the general opinion in any place with regard apocolyps now soundtrack to it is published in the local news from that vicinity, yet the following paragraph appeared among other items in the Witness of November 24th, as Danville news Railways have a right to all the time of employees in hours of duty, but many are grieved at the action of the Canadian Pacific Railway in demanding of Mr.R.If they do, then men interested in apocolyps now soundtrack temperance reform can no longer have a place in the employ of the Company.I apocolyps now soundtrack take this stand not by choice nor caprice, but on the principles of a free citizen.