Katrina! Katrina.Judith buying a home from owner.He's insulted me.Ah, my sweet soul, that knoweth its own sweetness, Where only love may drink, and buying a home from owner only alas! The ghost of love.It was from you I fled! I hoped to make My grannam's lonely cottage something safe From you and what I hated in you.I came to see my grandmother she lives All by herself, poor grannam, and it's time She had some help about the house, and buying a home from owner care.Sylvan.Well, altogether gript by buying a home from owner the being of love.Sylvan.Yes, I know Like swimming against a mighty will, that buying a home from owner wears The cruelty, the race and scolding spray Of monstrous passionate water.I feared to know You wanted me, horribly I feared it.