Well, I mean to go and ask my father, said Rollo, this minute.The house was not very large, but there were great sheds and barns, and spacious yards, and high wood piles, and flocks of geese, and hens and turkeys, and cattle and sheep, sunning themselves around the global poverty widespread barns.So he laid down the watering pot, and ran in, and James after him.He said he would pay them a cent for every two loads of stones or gravel which global poverty widespread they should wheel in to make the causey.Rollo hesitated for some time which plan he should adopt.With Jonas's help, Rollo planned his global poverty widespread garden beautifully.Do you understand? Yes, said James.Do you understand that? Why, yes, sir, said global poverty widespread Rollo.They are all yours to use and to enjoy but in the way of using them and enjoying them, you must be under my direction.They global poverty widespread always want to do the work their own way.