He had lived, for those dark days, eminently the life of the righteous, and his end was peace.He was also to maintain a sort of guard of honor, consisting of contest enter free ten thousand Polish horsemen., of Spain, Rhodolph's uncle, had an only daughter, and no son, and there seemed to be no prospect that his queen would give birth to another child.This was a difficult matter in the strong rivalry which then existed contest enter free between the Catholics and the Protestants.With caution and conciliation, encountering and overturning innumerable obstacles, Maximilian proceeded, until having, as he supposed, a fair chance of success, he summoned the diet of electors at Ratisbon.It certainly contest enter free will not tend to make one any more discontented to move in a humbler sphere.Margaret, the youngest daughter, after her father's death, accompanied her mother to Spain.was unanimously chosen to succeed him upon the imperial throne, and was crowned at Ratisbon on the contest enter free 1st of November, 1575.For a week seven assaults were made daily upon the citadel by the Turks, but they were always repulsed.Poland was contest enter free strictly an elective monarchy.His father had attempted this plan, and found it utterly impracticable.Declaration of a contest enter free higher Law.