Every man grasped his rifle, ready in case of need, to leap from his horse, and select the largest tree near him as a rampart for the battle.The trail through the excess personal liability insurance forest, which the Indian's foot for countless generations had trodden smooth, illumined by the soft rays of the moon, was exceedingly beautiful.He brought a worse tale than I had, though he stated the same facts as far as I went.Upon the banks of a beautiful mountain stream there was a wide plateau, carpeted with the renowned blue grass, as verdant and soft as could excess personal liability insurance be found in any gentleman's park.They had probably just broken up from a council, and were moving about among the trees.David was not a man of sentiment excess personal liability insurance and was never disposed to contemplate the possibility of failure in any of his plans.The wary savages had provided themselves with sharpened sticks.Soon a spectacle of wonderful picturesque beauty excess personal liability insurance was opened to their view.The river could here be forded, though the bottom was exceedingly rough.Jack, guided by a responsive cry, soon excess personal liability insurance found the place of concealment, and there the party remained through the night.With characteristic energy he rushed forward, by forced marches day and night, until his troops stood, with blistered feet, behind the newly erected ramparts.The excess personal liability insurance animal was but partially skinned, and still warm and smoking.When Jack Thompson reached that spot, he was to imitate the cry of the owl.