When the line of kings had been deposed, the Romans had vested the supreme magistracy in the hands of two consuls, who were chosen annually in a general election, the formalities of which were all very carefully arranged.They were supported, in a great measure, by the proceeds of the tribute of foreign provinces, and by the plunder taken by the generals cucumber nutrition value in the name of the state in foreign wars.His pretext was, that the people of Egypt had recently deposed and expelled their king, and that, consequently, the Romans might properly take possession of it.He cucumber nutrition value now felt strong enough to aspire to the office of consul, which was the highest office of the Roman state.The plan is better systematized and regulated in our day, but it is, in its nature, substantially the same.They accordingly made laws limiting cucumber nutrition value and restricting the number of the gladiators to be employed.Although Caesar was all this time, on the whole, rising in influence and power, there were still fluctuations in his fortune, and the tide sometimes, for a short period, went strongly against him.He proved to be a certain cucumber nutrition value Clodius, a very base and dissolute young man, though of great wealth and high connections.Caesar was himself now about thirty five years of age, and it made him very sad to reflect that, though he had lived five years longer than Alexander, he had yet accomplished so little.But the Senate, whose ascendency was now, for some reason, once more established, cucumber nutrition value prepared to prevent him by force of arms.