The advice which Jonas gave him was, substantially, this The boy was right in what he said about the necessity of having iron wedges, to split up large logs of hard wood but you had better have short pieces of pine boards for your logs, and then wedges of hard wood will do instead of iron for hard wood is so much more solid than pine, that I think wedges of it will answer very well.And, then, how soon do you think you should get tired of it, and want another? O, perhaps, I should want another girl ring toe pretty soon but then I could have another, you know.He inquired of Dorothy in the kitchen, and she told him that she saw Jonas going out towards the barn a few minutes before.He did it slowly and carefully and after some time he found that he had got the wedge into a girl ring toe much more perfect shape than before.When, at length, it was pretty wide, he put the wooden wedge in, and he showed Rollo that the edge of the wedge did not now have to force its way, but went easily into the crack, and only the sides came in contact with the two parts of the log which it was separating.Now, said he, I must make the sides smooth, and girl ring toe sharpen it.So the boy went to another side of the wood pile, and brought a large beetle and an iron wedge.I could tell you girl ring toe a way to hold it well enough.Then besides, he saw, by looking into the crack, a great number of splinters, large and small, which extended obliquely from one side to the other, and bound the two sides strongly towards each other.Why girl ring toe don't they have the back of the wedge wider still? and then it would force the wood open farther and then you would not have to put in a wooden wedge afterwards, so, he added, making a sign with his fingers.