Here we have (1) the great and good man, (2) George, (3) the county, disputing which is to be considered the principal subject.Excessive antithesis is unnatural and wearisome Who can persuade where treason(a) is above reason(a'), and might(b) ruleth right(b'), and it is had for lawful(c) whatsoever is lustful(c'), and commotioners(d) are better than commissioners(d'), and common woe(e) is named common wealth(e')? download tomtom maps uk *42.If you are writing about a man who was killed, see the man before you, and ask, was he executed, cut down, run through the body, butchered, shot, or hanged? If you are writing about the capture of a city, was the city stormed, surprised, surrendered, starved out, or demolished before surrender? Was an army repelled, defeated, routed, crushed, or annihilated? (2) Exactness in the use of words requires an exact knowledge of their meanings and differences.* Take the following sentence You must download tomtom maps uk take this extremely perilous course, in which success is uncertain, and failure disgraceful, as well as ruinous, or else the liberty of your country is endangered.Forcible style springs from (1) vividness and (2) exactness of thought, and from a corresponding (1) vividness and (2) exactness in the use of words.Carelessness in the Admiralty departments download tomtom maps uk has co operated with Nature to weaken the moral power of a Government that particularly needs to be thought efficient in (a) (5) this respect, (b) (29) to counterbalance a general distrust of its excessive desire (c) (47 a) to please everybody in Foreign Affairs.Helena.Other instances are The universal opinion of all men His judgment is so infallible that it is download tomtom maps uk never deceived, &c.Caution let clearness be the first consideration.When sentences are download tomtom maps uk short, as in Macaulay's writings, conjunctions may be advantageously omitted.1.Avoid a style like that of Bishop Burnet, which strings together a number of sentences with and or so, or with no conjunction at all Blake with the fleet happened to be at Malaga, before he made war upon Spain and some of download tomtom maps uk his seamen went ashore, and met the Host carried about and not only paid no respect to it, but laughed at those who did.The deed was applauded by all honest men, but the Government affected to treat it as murder, and set a price upon the head of (him whom they called) the assassin.