And then the snow, falling gently, pitifully covers the rigid forms and holds them in its pure embrace until loyal friends seek them out, and tell to the world that again brave lives have been sacrificed to the ogre of the Arctic.Alcohol, stearine, and broken wood from a whaleboat and barrels, comp usa brand cd labels were all employed.To put this to the test, Rice, the photographer, who, though a civilian, proved to be one of the most determined and efficient men in the party, had already started for Sabine with Jens, the Esquimau.Proceeding by the whaler Proteus in August, 1881, to the waters of the Arctic zone, Greely reached his destination with but little trouble, and built a commodious and comfortable station on the shores of Discovery Bay, which he called Fort Conger after a United States Senator from comp usa brand cd labels Michigan.So the Greely expedition was made an adjunct to the signal service, which in its turn is one of the bureaus of the War Department.The nine bodies buried in the shallow graves were exhumed comp usa brand cd labels and taken to the ship, Private Henry's body being found lying where it fell at the moment of his execution.Rounding the next point, the cutter opened out the cove beyond.The station was not reached, practically comp usa brand cd labels no supplies were landed, the Proteus was nipped by the ice and sunk, and the remnant of the expedition came supinely home, reporting utter failure.The story of Christmas Day is inexpressibly touching as told in the simple language of Greely's diary Our breakfast was a thin pea soup, with seal blubber, and a small quantity of preserved potatoes.It is worth noting, as evidence that Arctic hardships themselves, when not accompanied comp usa brand cd labels by a lack of food, are not unbearable, that at this time, after two years in the region of perpetual ice, the whole twenty five men were well, and even cheerful.Both were enlisted in the army and given the rank of sergeant.But why continue the pitiful chronicle? To tell the story in detail is impossible comp usa brand cd labels here to tell it baldly and hurriedly, means to omit from it all that makes the narrative of the last days of the Greely expedition worth reading the unflagging courage of most of the men, the high sense of honor that characterized them, the tenderness shown to the sick and helpless, the pluck and endurance of Long and Brainard, the fierce determination of Greely, that come what might, the records of his expedition should be saved, and its honor bequeathed unblemished to the world.With twenty five men in sleeping bags, which they seldom left, two in each bag, packed around the sides of the hut, a stove fed with stearine burning in the center for the cooking of the insufficient food to which they were reduced, and all air from without excluded, the hut became a place as much of torture as of refuge.THE GREAT LAKES THEIR SHARE IN THE MARITIME TRAFFIC OF THE UNITED STATES THE comp usa brand cd labels EARLIEST RECORDED VOYAGERS INDIANS AND FUR TRADERS THE PIGMY CANAL AT THE SAULT STE.Jens, the untiring Esquimau hunter, was drowned, his kayak being cut by the sharp edge of a piece of ice.