What dashing Paul Jones would have done, had he ever enjoyed the command of such a fleet, almost passes imagination.It will be noticed that fremont california zip code this disaster was the direct result of the disappearance of Count d'Estaing and the French fleet.It is, of course, obvious that a ship under bare poles is a far less conspicuous object upon the ocean, than is the same ship with her yards hung with vast clouds of snowy canvas.Nevertheless, it was determined, after a brief consultation, to proceed with the expedition, despite the sadly diminished strength of the militia fremont california zip code battalions.It was a holiday affair.The British, meantime, were striving to extinguish the flames, but with little success and before the day ended, little remained of the great Massachusetts flotilla, except the fremont california zip code three captured ships and sundry heaps of smouldering timber.The British immediately boarded the abandoned ship, extinguished the flames, and carried their prize away in triumph.Here and there, in the grass and weeds, the forms of dead men fremont california zip code began to be seen.S.The Trumbull responded with spirit, and the stars and stripes went fluttering to the peak in fremont california zip code the place of the British ensign.Having done this, they would sail away, never firing a gun.