No, sir, responded Decatur, thoroughly provoked but you knew that the French Republic was at war with the United States, that you were taking our merchant vessels every day, and crowding our countrymen into prison at Basseterre to die like sheep.The Frenchman was astounded, baseball funny picture as well he might be for Bainbridge's answer was a most preposterous falsehood, nearly doubling the actual armament of the two vessels.CHAPTER II.But the two warring nations had learned neither wisdom nor justice, and began again their depredations baseball funny picture upon the unoffending Americans.While the ships were building, the war feeling against France was steadily growing, and the enthusiasm of the people over the infant navy knew no bounds.Most of the crew and the marines were hidden beneath the bulwarks, or sent below so that the people baseball funny picture on the Sandwich gave but a glance to the approaching vessel, until she ran so close to their vessel's bows that they feared an accident.The Frenchmen were not slow in discovering the dislike manifested by the people of Savannah and like true soldiers of fortune, as they were, they did nothing to make friends of their enemies.Who could tell baseball funny picture that the holds of the privateers did not at that very minute contain the best part of the cargo of some captured American vessel? Probably the last shot fired from that long Tom had crashed into the side of some little brig flying the stars and stripes, and perhaps ended the career of many an American sailor.At one precisely, the blows of many hammers were heard knocking out the blocks and, after a moment's trembling pause, the first United States frigate glided swiftly into the water, and, after a graceful dip, rode buoyantly on the placid surface of the Delaware.The money they threw on the bars of water side dram shops, in exchange for the vile rum which was the worst enemy baseball funny picture of too many a good jack tar, was looked upon with suspicion.The jackies of the Delaware clambered into the rigging, and set all sail, with the clumsiness of merchant sailors but, though the ship spread a large expanse of canvas, she was making but little progress, for two long cables dragged in the water astern, holding her back.The river was covered with pleasure craft, baseball funny picture decked with flags, and bright with the gay dresses of ladies.