It was the 9th of September, 955.Cities and villages rapidly submitted california mailing list to the conqueror.Had he been influenced by statesmanlike considerations it would have been an admirable move.With an immense fleet of barges, containing sixty thousand men, he descended the california mailing list Dnieper to the Euxine.It required the blind, unthinking courage of semi barbarians to undertake such an enterprise.It was easy to weaken any formidable or suspected tribe, by california mailing list the slaughter of the warriors.He gave Russia a name and renown, so that it assumed a position among the nations of the globe, notwithstanding its remote position amidst the wilds of the North.His latter years seem to have been devoted to the arts of peace, for he secured to an unusual degree the love, as well california mailing list as the admiration, of his subjects.With an immense array of barges, which for leagues covered the surface of the Dnieper, and with an immense squadron of cavalry following along the banks, he commenced the descent of the river.At the same time they endeavored california mailing list to disarm the cupidity of the foe by the most magnificent presents.One of the articles of the treaty is quite illustrative of the times.Descent upon california mailing list Constantinople.