Here at last the armies came to a stand and fought the final battle.The euro brokers limited officer resisted no longer, and Caesar went in.But the barricades and pitfalls, together with the darkness, so embarrassed their movements, that Pompey succeeded in completing his embarkation and sailing away.Another instance of Caesar's generosity occurred, which is even more euro brokers limited remarkable than this.Pompey immediately formed his plan for embarking the remainder of his army.In the mean time, the tidings of Caesar's having passed the Rubicon, euro brokers limited and of the triumphant success which he was meeting with at the commencement of his march toward Rome, reached the Capitol, and added greatly to the prevailing consternation.They told Caesar, in fact, that they would live on the bark of trees rather than abandon his cause.The forces, alternating and intermingled, euro brokers limited as above described, kept each other in a continued state of anxiety and suffering.He filled the streets of the city with barricades and pitfalls, excepting two streets which led to the place of embarkation.Caesar then came forward, threw off his mantle, and said euro brokers limited to them, Friends! you have nothing to fear.As his connection with the government at home was sundered the moment he crossed the Rubicon, all supplies of money and of provisions were cut off in that quarter until he should arrive at the Capitol and take possession of it.As the missiles used in those days were such as could only be thrown to a very short distance, hostile bodies of men could approach much nearer to each other then than is possible now, when projectiles of the euro brokers limited most terribly destructive character can be thrown for miles.He found every where the marks of wealth and luxury, and indications of the confident expectation of victory which the discomfited army had entertained.