The Germans were put totally to flight.Having, however, completed this arrangement, he was now prepared to push vigorously his free indian photo sex claims to be elected consul.They accordingly made a contribution among themselves to enable Bibulus to expend as much money in bribery as Lucceius, and the canvass went on.He told them that he was astonished free indian photo sex to learn to what an extent an unworthy despondency and fear had taken possession of their minds, and how little confidence they reposed in him, their general.Caesar's generous forbearance in refusing the offered aid of the populace carried over a number of these sufficient to shift the majority, and thus the action of the body was reversed.The Senate had been alarmed at the first outbreak of the tumult, and a meeting had been suddenly convened to consider free indian photo sex what measures to adopt in such a crisis.It must not be forgotten, however, that there were some reasons in the days of the Romans for providing public amusements for the people on an extended scale which do not exist now.The particulars, however, of free indian photo sex these difficulties, and the manner in which Caesar contrived to extricate himself from them, will be more fully detailed in the next chapter.His office as aedile gave him the necessary authority.The story has been repeated a thousand times, and told to free indian photo sex every successive generation now for nearly twenty centuries, as an illustration of the peculiar type and character of the ambition which controls such a soul as that of Caesar.They had cities, forts, ships, and armies.They, of course, murmured against the Senate, free indian photo sex and Caesar stood higher in their favor than ever.He succeeded in gaining the election.He knew nothing about free indian photo sex it.Many of the most important offices of the state depended upon the votes of the people and as the people had very little opportunity to become acquainted with the real merits of the case in respect to questions of government, they gave their votes very much according to the personal popularity of the candidate.