They all rose to a man.' When he heard blue mountain youth soccer league of accusations being brought against him of 'shackling free born Englishmen' and of 'doing no less than making himself a Pope,' he defended his power with an artless simplicity which was very characteristic of the man.When it was seasonable to sing praise to God, they were to do it with the spirit and the understanding also 'not in the miserable, scandalous doggerel of Sternhold and Hopkins, but in psalms and hymns which are both sense and poetry, such as would sooner provoke a critic to turn Christian than a Christian to turn critic' they were to sing 'not lolling at their ease, or in the indecent posture of sitting, but all standing before God, praising Him lustily and with a good courage' there was to be 'no repetition of words, no dwelling on disjointed syllables.Nevertheless it is an undoubted fact that he was frequently brought into collision with men whom blue mountain youth soccer league he would have been the first to own as God's faithful servants with William Law, with the Moravians, with Whitefield and the Calvinists, and with several of the Evangelical parish clergymen.John Wesley's character is a singularly interesting one, interesting for this very reason, that he was such a thorough man full of human infirmities, constantly falling into errors of judgment and inconsistencies, but withal a noble specimen of humanity, a monument of the power of Divine grace to mould the rough materials of which man is made into a polished stone, meet to take its place in the fabric of the temple of the living God.' Controversy was his blue mountain youth soccer league abhorrence he thought 'God made practical divinity necessary, but the Devil controversial.It was precisely the same motive which led Wesley to the various separations which, to his sorrow, he was obliged to make from those who had been his fellow workers.If Law was the most effective writer, John Wesley blue mountain youth soccer league (1703 91) was unquestionably the most effective worker connected with the early phase of the Evangelical revival.He predicted that even the earnest parochial clergy of his day would prove a mere rope of sand a prophecy which subsequent events will scarcely endorse.Our glory has hitherto been not to be a separate blue mountain youth soccer league body.' In 1777, in the remarkable sermon which he preached on laying the foundation of the City Road Chapel, after having given a succinct but graphic account of the rise and progress of Methodism, 'we,' he concludes, 'do not, will not, form any separate sect, but from principle remain, what we have always been, true members of the Church of England.His master passion was, in his own often repeated expression, the love blue mountain youth soccer league of God and the love of man for God's sake.Moreover, it is fully admitted that Wesley was essentially a many sided man.At the very first Conference in 1744, only six years after his conversion we find him declaring (for of course the dicta of Conference were simply his own dicta), 'We believe the body of our hearers will even after our blue mountain youth soccer league death remain in the Church, unless they are thrust out.Wesley made a speech and invited all who were of his mind to stand up.