As the animals were turned out to graze, the packs, which were taken from them, were arranged in a circular form so as to enclose quite a space, like a fortress.The entire herd fell into the possession of the artistic photography project trappers.The next day the party of trappers travelled fifty miles, till they thought themselves beyond the reach of the hostile savages.In a few moments artistic photography project the whites found themselves masters of the field and also of the property.The Indians, five hundred in number, might easily, at the expense of the loss of a few lives, have overpowered the white men, and seized all their animals and their goods.Our custom is artistic photography project brought from Spain.They selected their best horses, for it was certain that the Indians would make no delay in their flight.There was almost an instantaneous discharge of rifles and thirteen artistic photography project Indian warriors fell weltering in their blood.Soon after midnight the savages threw themselves down around the fires and most of them were soon soundly asleep.But a close application of the sense of hearing showed plainly that an enemy was artistic photography project near at hand.When they were within a few yards of the foe, an Indian dog gave the alarm.Their mules were laden down artistic photography project with two thousand pounds.While one slept the other watched.Enterprise of Kit artistic photography project Carson.