You would undo the skill of a spider's web And take the inches of it in one line, More easily than know a woman's thought.But you've come Again! May I elvis costello fan forum not be glad of your coming? Yes, and a little breathless? Did you come Only because you thought I might be bullied? Morris.Yes, and I'ld choose a better looking man Than you, my chap, if I wanted company.O elvis costello fan forum I must thank you.'Twill turn out dangerous maybe, but still, a game.I've elvis costello fan forum not lookt half enough at these.Now, Mary, we must make our yellow choice You've got good eyes which do you fancy? Jean! What ails her? Jean.Pooh! He elvis costello fan forum can carry me.Hands off, Hamish.Which do you think, Mary? elvis costello fan forum Jean.O let me reason it out calmly! Have I No stars to take me through this terror, poured Suddenly, dreadfully, on to my heart and spirit? Why is it I, of all the world I only Who must so love against nature? I knew Always, that not like harbour for a boat, Not a smooth safety, Love would take my soul But like going naked and empty handed Into the glitter and hiss of a wild sword play, I should fall in love, and in fear and danger But a danger of white light, a fear of sharpness Keen and close to my heart, not as it proves, My heart hit by a great dull mace of terror! * * * * * So it has come to me, my hope, my wonder! Now I perceive that I was one of those Who, till love comes, have breath and beating blood In one continual question.Why, man, her beauty Is but the visible manners of her spirit And this you go to love by the filthy road Which all the paws and hoofs in the world tread too! elvis costello fan forum God! And it's Jean whose lover runs with the herd Of grunting, howling, barking lovers, Jean! Hamish.