This produces currents of air.The other paper was also in Rollo's handwriting, and was as follows If the entry was full of water, and the parlor full of air, and the walls were water debt collection agency uk tight, and you were to open the door between the two rooms, the water would flow into the parlor down below, and the air would flow into the entry up above.Now hold it up a little higher, said his mother.And why does it make debt collection agency uk it light? asked his mother.Because it swells it it makes it expand so that the same quantity of air spreads over a greater space and this makes it lighter, But cool or cold air is heavier, because it is more condensed.' 'Well,' said the gentleman, 'I am very sorry debt collection agency uk if it is.He came down to the ground without being hurt at all.I mean to debt collection agency uk ask my father, said Rollo.A few days after this, there commenced a long storm of rain.He succeeded very well in getting pieces completely on fire but, after debt collection agency uk they were dropped into the hole, they would not burn.Rollo obeyed, and he found that it was still pressed in, but not so hard.Suppose the entry were full of water, and the parlor full of air, debt collection agency uk and the door was shut, and the door and the walls were water tight.They sometimes collect different kinds of air in glass jars, and then let a candle down in, and see whether it will go out.They all look clear, just as if there was nothing debt collection agency uk in the jars but when you let a candle down in, in some it burns just the same as before in some it burns brighter and in some it goes out.So Rollo opened the door, and held his tuft in the passage way and he found that the air was pressing in very strongly through the open space.