Upon this matter I will consult my ministers and acquaint you with my answer.Thus terminated this long and cruel back grounds paper wall war.Great God, how have I been used by that court! There is your King of Prussia! Indeed these circumstances tear open too many old wounds and create too many new ones.For a few hours the battle blazed as if it were a strife of demons back grounds paper wall hell in high carnival.Eighteen thousand Prussians were mowed down by the Austrian batteries, before the fierce assailants could scale the ramparts.At the same time the queen sent sixty thousand men to back grounds paper wall Italy, to be joined by forty five thousand Sardinians., the most miserable of debauchees, was nominally king.Listening for a moment impatiently to his words, back grounds paper wall she overwhelmed him with a torrent of reproaches.Notwithstanding the bitter opposition of Maria Theresa to peace, the definitive treaty was signed at Aix la Chapelle on the 18th of October, 1748, by France, England and Holland.The emperor himself entered a remonstrance against the discourtesy which characterized back grounds paper wall their intercourse.The haughty mistress became even weary of their adulation.