Resolutely at last she scrambled out of her snug nest, and hurrying into her great warm, pussy gray wrapper began at once very practically, very unemotionally, with matches and alcohol and a shiny glass jar to prepare a huge steaming cup of malted milk.While that smile was still in its infancy he jumped up suddenly and forced his way across the hall to his dead wife's room, the one ghost room drifters nashua new hampshire of his house and his life, and there with his hand on the turning door knob, tense with reluctance, goose fleshed with strain, his breath gasped out of him whether or no with the one word Alice! And behold! There was no room there! Lurching back from the threshold, as from the brink of an elevator well, the Senior Surgeon found himself staring foolishly into a most sumptuous linen closet, tiered like an Aztec cliff with home after home for pleasant prosy blankets, and gaily fringed towels, and cheerful white sheets reeking most conscientiously of cedar and lavender.And it's fun to go to bed now, she confided amiably.Very, very deliberately, with his clumsy rod case in one hand, and his heavy grip in the other, the Senior Surgeon started up drifters nashua new hampshire the long, broad gravel path to the house.Up and down, round and round, on and on and on and on! At ten o'clock, sitting bolt upright in her bed with her worried eyes straining bluely out across the Little Girl's somnolent form into unfathomable darkness, the White Linen Nurse in the throb of her own heart began to keep pace with that faint, horrid thud thud thud in the room below.What in Hell are you rigged drifters nashua new hampshire out like that for? he demanded stormily.So they thought he was clumsy? Eh? Resentfully he stared down at his hands, those wonderfully dexterous, yes, ambidexterous hands that were the aching envy of all his colleagues.So very stealthily thus drifters nashua new hampshire like the proverbial assassin she crept down the front stairs with the innocent malted milk cup in her hand, and then with her knuckles just on the verge of rapping against the grimly inhospitable door, went suddenly paralyzed with uncertainty whether to advance or retreat.At two o'clock he stopped again to pile on a trifle more wood.And I've got a girl of my own! he drifters nashua new hampshire confided genially.Up and down, round and round, on and on and on, the Senior Surgeon resumed his pacing.