She bore down upon the ship of Damasithymus, saying to her crew that to attack and sink that ship was the only way to save their own lives.His motive is, continued Artabanus, to los angeles times business reporter obtain the throne, and, to make the more sure of an undisturbed possession of it, he is intending to murder you next.Landing here, he left the galley, with the crew in charge of it, upon the shore, and, with one or two select attendants, he made his way to the Persian camp, and desired an interview with the king.He confirmed fully all that los angeles times business reporter Aristides had said.Some said that a ship, which had been sent away a short time before to gina to obtain succors, was returning that morning, and that she commenced the action as she came through the Persian lines.The others los angeles times business reporter were at home.It put an end to their discordant debates, and united them, one and all, in the work of making resolute preparations for action.He told them that, in such contests as that in which they were about to engage, los angeles times business reporter the result depended, not on the relative numbers of the combatants, but on the resolution and activity which they displayed.Xerxes pressed on with the utmost diligence toward the north.They ate the roots and stems of the herbage, and finally stripped the very bark from the trees and devoured it, in los angeles times business reporter the vain hope that it might afford some nutriment to re enforce the vital principle, for a little time at least, in the dreadful struggle which it was waging within them.The air was calm, the sky serene, the water was smooth, and the atmosphere was as transparent and clear at the end of the battle as at the beginning.His anxiety los angeles times business reporter increases.He gave himself up to such prolonged carousals, that one night was sometimes protracted through the following day into another.