The following extract also shows the candor of his mind, his anxiety to learn, and the progress his mind was making in the science of political economy I come to your country to get a knowledge of things, which I could get in no other way but by seeing with my own eyes, and hearing with my awful ears information I can't get, and nobody else, from book knowledge.It cost the lives and fortunes attorney carolina insurance south of thousands of the best patriots that ever lived.Gentlemen, I opposed Andrew Jackson in his famous Indian bill, where five hundred thousand dollars were voted for expenses, no part of which has yet been accounted for, as I have seen.He was an honest man, and an earnest man and under the tuition of Congress had formed some very attorney carolina insurance south decided political principles, which he vigorously enforced with his rude eloquence.Jackson was no longer a favorite of Crockett.From New York attorney carolina insurance south he went to Boston.And I confess, I consider myself a poor tyke to be here addressing the most intelligent people in the world.I had considered a treaty as the sovereign law of the land but now saw it considered as a matter attorney carolina insurance south of expedience, or not, as it pleased the powers that be.I hope to see our once happy country restored to its former peace and happiness, and once more redeemed from tyranny and despotism, which, I fear, we are on the very brink of.Here he took a steamer down that majestic stream to the mouth of the Arkansas River, which rolls its vast flood from regions then quite attorney carolina insurance south unexplored in the far West.